In order for you to view SciFlix in your XBMC, you need to install SciFlix addon which is available Rasjani's XBMC Repo.

 First, download our repo zip from here: repository.rasjanisrepo.xbmc-1.0.0.zip

Then, follow installation instructions from official xbmc wiki

When the repository is added, follow these instructions to enable SciFlix:

  1. Go to System -> Preferences -> Addons
  2. Click "Get add-ons"  
  3. Click into the repository you want to install from (Rasjani's) 
  4. Scroll down to "Video Add-ons" and click it
  5. Click the add-on you want  (SciFlix) to install.
  6. When the add-on has finished downloading XBMC will enable it  and it is available in Videos -> Addons menu in the main view of XBMC


At the moment, SciFlix addon does not work with latest releases of XBMC (>=13.2, atleast). Work is being done to get this fixed. However, addon itself has been build on top of framework that has not been kept updated with xbmc releases so new version might require extensive work.


For those eager to try this with kodi: https://github.com/rasjani/xbmc-sciflix/blob/master/releases/0.4/plugin.video.sciflix-0.4.zip

Bare with us.


Unknown said...

Not compatible says xmbc....

Unknown said...

It is not compatible with xbmc ver 13.2 Gotham